Experience of work | Lack of quality teamwork48 Teamworking and non-hierarchical structure39 Harassment by supervisors48 and incivility43 Job satisfaction35 49 Excessive workloads37 Poor working condition37 Peer support40 46 and professional links47 Diagnostic challenges38 39 Errors43 Lack of influence at work48 |
Training and education | Absence of continuing professional education48 Lifelong learning46 47 Lack of training and supervision37 Board certification (higher training) in EM33 36 Board certification in another specialty33 36 Fellowship in another specialty36 Work with trainees33 Teaching39 New roles40 Subspecialty training47 |
Impact of work | Worry about mistakes48 Musculoskeletal complaints48 Physical and emotional strain40 Burnout42 45 46 48 Occupational stress42 Stress46 |
Workâlife balance | Debt34 Income33 36 38 Flexible working39 and predictable hours38 Strategic approach to shift work50 Antisocial working patterns43 Receiving a job offer outside of medicine48 |
EM, emergency medicine.