Table 1

The three stages of data analysis

1: Thematic analysisThematic analysis was used to analyse each data source in a data‐driven inductive approach. Transcripts were imported into the data management software NVivo 10, where two researchers (HN and LG) read the transcripts several times, and then independently coded selections of text to represent instances of a concept. Codes were reviewed in terms of their relationship to other codes and combined to create more developed themes. From this analysis, distinctions could be made between the different levels of themes (eg, main overarching themes and subthemes within them).
2: Coding themes into TDF domainsTwo researchers (HN and LG) independently coded themes into the TDF domains; going back to the original data coded within each theme to check this was an accurate representation of the domain.
3: Thematic synthesis and generation of belief statementsThe researchers came together to compare coding of themes into domains. Themes that were coded in different domains by the researchers were discussed to establish consensus. In instances where single domain allocation agreement could not be reached, a third researcher (SV) was asked for input.
One researcher (LG) generated ‘belief statements’ to represent the specific belief from each theme and provide detail about the role of the domain in influencing the target behaviour (TXA administration). This strategy was reviewed by the second researcher (HN) to ensure an accurate representation of content.
  • TDF, theoretical domains framework; TXA, tranexamic acid.