Table 4

Summary of the staffing structure and induction given

Staff induction No of services Observation period No of services
Formal training session ≤1 day3Shadowing/observation period ≤5 days5
Formal training session 1–5 days2Shadowing/observation period >5 days2
Formal training session >5 days2
Staffing structure (Services may operate more than one structure)
Dual crew models used No of services Specialty of clinician No of services
Consultant and paramedic2Emergency medicine7
Registrar and paramedic4Anaesthetics3
Consultant and ambulance technician1Intensive care3
Registrar and ambulance technician3Acute medicine1
Advanced Care Practioner (ACP) and paramedic1General practitioner1
Consultant and nurse1
Registrar, radiographer and trauma paramedic1