Table 2

Patient management

Missing SI*
Any SI
P value†
Prehospital care
Prehospital times, median min (IQR)
 Call to first crew arrival9 (7–13)1510 (7–13)9 (7–12)0.11
 First crew arrival to RSI42 (34–52)1542 (33–51)43 (35–53)0.65
 RSI to hospital arrival28 (20–36)1526 (18–34)28 (22–39)0.006
Prehospital interventions, N (%)
 Hypertonic saline99 (35.7)634 (29.3)59 (40.4)0.06
 Blood products65 (23.5)32 (1.7)60 (41.1)<0.001
 Finger thoracostomy54 (19.5)35 (4.3)46 (31.5)<0.001
 Any intervention‡150 (54.2)738 (32.8)105 (71.9)<0.001
Prehospital events, N (%)
 Prolonged hypotension82 (30.1)582 (56.2)
 Prolonged hypoxia69 (25.4)569 (47.3)
 Prolonged hypotension+hypoxia45 (16.5)545 (30.8)
 Arrival ETCO2 <30 mm Hg80 (30.4)1480 (54.8)
Hospital care
Hospital times, median min (IQR)
 Triage to CT head (first image)§23 (14–39)1522 (14–40)23 (14–39)0.81
 Triage to craniectomy/craniotomy§80 (61–129)272 (61–116)95 (58–131)0.96
Neurosurgical intervention, N (%)
 ICP monitor only72 (26.0)525 (21.6)42 (28.8)0.18
 Craniectomy/craniotomy52 (18.8)229 (25.0)21 (14.4)0.03
 Other8 (2.9)12 (1.7)5 (3.4)0.47
 Nil145 (52.3)760 (51.7)78 (53.4)0.78
Length of stay/treatment, median days (IQR)
 ICP monitor4 (2–6)84 (2–6)4 (2–7)0.48
 Intubation5 (1–10)153 (1–8)6 (2–11)0.006
 Intensive care5 (2-12)144 (2-11)6 (2-13)0.09
 Hospital15 (5–31)1513 (5–26)15 (3–36)0.78
 Brain injury rehabilitation§38 (20–73)327 (13–57)49 (29–79)0.05
  • *Patients missing data on either prolonged hypotension OR prolonged hypoxia OR arrival ETCO2 <30 mm Hg.

  • †Mann-Whitney test used for continuous variables; Χ2 or Fisher’s exact test used for categorical variables.

  • ‡Any intervention defined as administering hypertonic saline OR blood products OR performing finger thoracostomy.

  • §Triage to CT head: 14 patients did not have CT of the head in emergency; triage to craniectomy/craniotomy: 3 patients had a delayed operation during ICU admission; brain injury rehabilitation: 7 patients had ongoing admission at time of data collation.

  • ETCO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide; ICP, intracranial pressure; ICU, intensive care unit; RSI, rapid sequence intubation; SI, secondary insult.