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Outcome of sports injuries treated in a casualty department.
  1. J Sandelin,
  2. O Kiviluoto,
  3. S Santavirta,
  4. R Honkanen


    The present investigation analyses 2493 patients with a sports injury treated in a casualty department during a one-year period. Of the patients 73% were men, the age of the patients averaging 26 years and the mean follow-up time was 24 months. Soccer and indoor ball games caused 24% and 23% of the injuries respectively, these being followed by injuries in ice hockey in 14%. Track and field injuries scored low with 2% out of all injuries. Injuries to the lower extremity predominated. At follow-up, ligamentous injuries of the lower extremity were the major cause of discomfort. Further, in the group of patients with persistent discomfort 36% had suffered a fracture or a dislocation, 13% a contusion and 10% a wound. The mean period of sports incapacity after a sustained injury was 3 weeks. In track and field events the injury seldom disturbed training for more than one week, but in soccer, indoor ball games, skiing and skating the mean sports incapacity period varied between 6 and 3 weeks. Out of the total injured, 2% had to give up their sports activity completely. An injury of the lower extremity demanded on average 4 weeks' rest, an injury of the upper extremity and the trunk 2 weeks and injuries of the head and neck one week's rest. According to the present investigation sports injuries were in the majority of cases of a relatively benign nature and sick leave from work seldom exceeded 2 weeks.

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